Annual Returns Filing

Companies House Annual Return Filing Service

At BNA Consulting in London, we provide a comprehensive review of a company’s general information, which includes details about the officers of the company (e.g., directors and company secretary), registered office address, share capital, and full details of shareholders. Since the confirmation statement replaced the annual return to Companies House effective from 30 June 2016, we at BNA Consulting have acquired the skills to handle these changes by employing expert English and Russian-speaking accountants in London.

Expert Annual Return Filing Services

BNA Consulting supports all limited companies and limited liability partnerships in the UK. We also provide support for professional services for business development and small business start-ups. BNA Consulting handles the entire process of submitting your annual returns to Companies House every year, even if the company is dormant. We assist limited companies in submitting the ‘’AR01’’ form and limited liability partnerships in submitting the ‘’LL AR01’’ form.

Filing Deadlines & Penalties

We at BNA Consulting will assist you with the paperwork concerning filing deadlines and penalties, thanks to our team of expert English and Russian-speaking accountants in London. We ensure that you stay compliant with Companies House regulations by managing email alerts and reminders sent to your registered office address when annual returns are due.

The due date is usually a year after either:

  • The date when the company was incorporated.
  • The date when the last annual return or confirmation statement was filed.

BNA Consulting will assist you with the confirmation statement, which must be filed within 14 days after the due date.

If a company fails to submit a confirmation statement within the deadline, it may be fined up to £5,000. The registrar also has the authority to strike off the company from the company’s register, and its assets may become the property of the crown. However, this measure will not be taken against you because our capable English and Russian-speaking accountants in London will handle all the paperwork for you, quickly and meticulously.

Companies House Annual Return Filing Service

BNA Consulting can assist you with the annual return filing services. The annual returns can be submitted online through the Companies House Web Filing system, costing just £13. Our experts will manage the entire process for you. We can file through the Web Filing system and provide you with regular reminders when your annual return becomes due. We will take care of the contents of the confirmation statement, including the company name, type, registered office address, and details about officers in a clean and presentable way.

Contact Us Today

Choose BNA Consulting for expert Companies House Annual Return Filing Service. Visit our Annual Returns Filing page to learn more about how we can support your business with our reliable annual returns filing services.