Bookkeeping Services: How to Find the Right Bookkeeper for Your Business in 2021

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Making sure that you have the right bookkeeper is essential for anyone looking to grow their business. Having a reliable bookkeeping services on call will help take care of all the financial aspects of your business whilst giving you more time to focus on developing your business. But if bookkeeping isn’t your area of expertise what are you meant to look for in a good bookkeeping service. Read on for our top tips of the things to bear in mind when looking for a good bookkeeping services.

Accounting Experience

When researching different bookkeeping services, one of the main things you’ll need to consider is their accounting experience. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the experience of the company or individual you’re looking to hire. They should have the right experience for your business, if they’ve previously only worked for large corporations they may only have experience in specific areas such as invoicing or conducting monthly reconciliations. 

Experience working for a small company indicates that they will probably have had experience in more areas of bookkeeping. Ideally, look for someone who has had experience in a similar industry to your business or experience with a similar company. That way not only will they know the ins and outs of your industry but will be able to provide more relevant financial insights. However, if their tasks are going to be minimal such as just paying invoices and reconciling banks and credit cards you may not need someone will as much experience. This will also likely save you money as someone with less experience may not charge as much for their services

Good with Technology

Technology is an essential part of the bookkeeping processes. Having accounting software can help prevent errors and reduce the chance of losing any money. It’s important to look for someone who is knowledgeable about financial software so don’t forget to ask about their experience and knowledge of technology and check they are comfortable using the software your company uses. 

Business Savvy

When looking for a bookkeeping service, look for one that will develop best practices and help streamline processes to make the accounting process more efficient. You also will want someone who is able to work on their own imitative and doesn’t need constant supervision. This is one reason that even small businesses should consider building an accounting team or working with an accounting agency.

Some bookkeepers won’t know how to best streamline the process or provide the information you need to help inform the running of your business. Engaging a bookkeeping service is therefore a good idea as there will often be a higher level working with bookkeepers to help them provide these insights.


Bookkeepers are an integral part of the everyday financial operations of a small business and are likely to engage with members of staff, clients and vendors. Therefore, it’s highly important to hire someone who will make a good impression on external contacts and conducts themselves in a professional way at all times. 

If you’re looking for a top bookkeeping service in London BNA consulting to handle all your financial needs. Our financial experts can work directly with your small business to make sure that your records are kept to the highest standards. 

Outsourcing your bookkeeping to BNA consulting is a great investment in the future of your business. Our experts will be on call anytime to advise and provide data when you need it.

Our goal is to help build your business and watch it grow by giving our best to keep track of your investments for maximum effectiveness. If you’re after a highly efficient and professional bookkeeping service in London you can’t do better than BNA.