Category: Accountant

best accountant in london

Tax preparation and filing services provided by accountants in London, and How to choose the right accountant in London for your business

Tax preparation and filing services provided by accountants in London, and How to choose the right accountant in London for your business. Unfortunately, taxes are an unavoidable part of being a small business owner. But, with the help of the right accountant, they can be much easier. How accountants can help with filing taxes There […]
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register company for cis

Common mistakes to avoid when registering for CIS

Common mistakes to avoid when registering for CIS.  CIS stands for Construction Industry Scheme. It’s a tax mechanism that allows contractors to save money for construction projects by having the government cover part of their subcontractor costs. However, as with anything related to taxes, people make some common mistakes. Read through six of the most […]
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best accountants for small business

Accountants in London- What are the benefits of hiring a local accountant

Accountants in London- What are the benefits of hiring a local accountant? Being a small business owner in London can be incredibly rewarding. However, it can also come with plenty of challenges, including managing all your finances.  Whether you’re sorting out taxes, applying for a bank loan, making investments, or merging with another business, the […]
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