How a fully managed payroll system can help your business

payroll services in London

Managing the payroll for your business is a vital but underestimated task. It can seem like a good idea to do it yourself when you’re starting out but as your business grows, it can be an increasingly complex and time-consuming process. The good news is that you don’t have to do it all yourself, there are many payroll services in London and the UK who can offer a fully managed payroll service for you. But what benefits can you expect from a fully managed payroll service?

Time saving

The most important asset we have is our time. By doing the payroll yourself or delegating it to administrative staff you may not be making the best use of your or their time.

Staff will need time to stay up to date on all the processes and latest tax changes, and that’s without the time required to gather and input all the relevant information every month to pay staff.

By outsourcing your payroll needs everyone can concentrate on their assigned tasks thus enhancing productivity. The time previously taken up with complex administrative work can then be invested back into your business.

Risk Management

Taxes can be complex and require specialist knowledge. Having professional guidance can help your company by ensuring that any risks are minimized.

By employing a professional payroll service however, you can relax in the knowledge that you’ll always stay up to date and compliant with the latest rules and regulations. You can also rest assured that all your data is kept securely.

Improved Accuracy

Handling payroll requires extremely high accuracy as any financial reporting errors or misfiling can incur a fine or issues with HMRC. Unfortunately, when a small business owner deals with tax rates, deductions, benefits, deadlines, as well as all the other duties involved with running a small business, the desired accuracy may not be achieved.

Outsourcing payroll services can confirm high accuracy, so you remove the burden knowing that your employees receive their wages correctly as well as any required tax process. This will also enhance the way in which your employees related to being paid and the knowledge that their tax obligations are up to date.

Better data

As a business owner it can sometimes help to get a bit of an external perspective when it comes to your company. A fully managed payroll service can provide you with all the data you need to get helpful insights into your business. For example, a payroll service can provide you with detailed breakdowns of hours worked, annual leave taken etc. This can be used to create a variety of reports which allows you to see at a glance the staff costs for the business. You’ll be able to find out quickly and easily the potential impact of hiring an extra employee, so you can make informed decisions.

Cut costs

It’s easy to think of doing payroll yourself as a way of cutting costs. However, this can be a false economy as you won’t have to pay for any specialised software or equipment. Having a professional involved will also save you time and money in the long term as processes will be streamlined and you will avoid making any potential costly errors.

Whatever your payroll needs we’re sure to be able to help you. BNA consulting are proud to offer one of the leading payroll services in the country. If you are in need of a Payroll services in London to process your payroll BNA Consulting are at your disposal to offer advice and expertise in handling all your payroll needs.